Friday, February 25, 2011

Wasabi: Starting Out With a BANG!!!!!!

Good writing is a lot like Wasabi, it stays with you long after you've finished. For such a pleasing green, it packs a surprising punch.

Spring Guns and Ammo was the site of our NorthWest Houston Romance Writers' "So You Want To Learn To Shoot A Gun!" field trip on February 25th. I'm a pacifist at heart and had never touched a gun, much less aimed one at anything. My goal was to experience handling and shooting a gun in order to write accurately about it.

After instruction on safe weapon handling and a Q&A session, we geared up and went into the shooting range. The first time I pulled back the trigger and released the bullet, I experienced the rush of adrenaline I'd only read about. Despite the hearing protection I wore, the noise was earsplitting.The kickback from such a small pistol startled me and I most certainly jumped back when the shell casings from another shooter danced around on the cement floor.

First-hand experience won't guarantee that a writer uses the proper terminology, but it will provide accurate emotional description. Am I advocating that murder and mayhem have to be experienced firsthand? Not hardly! Sometimes secondhand information has to suffice. Talk with experts, interview witnesses and victims, find a way to get the most bang for your buck.

Bottom line, I learned how to make a BIG BANG and even managed to hit the target!

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